President Donald J Trump won for the 3rd time. They tried to censor him, they tried to censor us. They called him "Hitler" and us Patriots - deplorables, trash, Nazis. They rigged an election and installed a half dead human zombie, Biden. They tried to jail him. They indicted him 94 times. They used political warfare. When that didn't work, they tried to kill him. They were attempting to install Kamala and planned to stuff the ballot box and stretch out voting weeks after eletction day. Just like they did 4 years ago. But we got smart and beat them at their own game. We came prepared with lawyers, grassroot efforts and poll watchers in every key battle ground state! Each time they tried to cheat they had a hotline set up and lawyers in the battle ground states. We all came out and made it too big to rig!!
We just witness the greatest comeback in American History!
America will prosper and become great. President Donald Trump will restore us to greatness. We will be repsected again on the world stage!
God Bless America and God Bless the USA!