Proud to be Christian ✝️ What better way to tell the world I love Jesus than to wear his name close to my heart?! 💟 We are now in the season of Lent which is a time of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Lent is marked by fasting, both from food and festivities. A Lenten fast doesn’t have to consist of just fasting and abstinence from the things we love, but it can be adding things during this religious season that will make our lives more meaningful. Giving up or adding something is a personal journey and different for everyone. For myself, I’d like to spread his name by posting and being more vocal about my love for him. Holding me tongue before I consider negative words and replacing them with positive words regardless of the situation. Finally, saying “God Bless You” before I walk away from someone. Words matter. How you leave someone matters. How you make someone feel when with them matters. By giving someone a 💯 of yourself when in their presence, you give them an intangible gift.
This sweatshirt is just $13! Why, I love it is because its made of a great thick fabric which is super soft and for a small it's not too baggy on me. I normally wear the XS but found this one to be perfect to wear with some black leggings and platform white sneaks! Click link below to get yours now!