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  • Tricia

The Great Outdoors!

If you are fortunate enough to live in a city that has decent weather 75% of the time or more, consider yourself lucky and should be able to find a gazillion ways to get a good work out in. Let's explore why this is so good for you!

It's good for the mind, body and eyes.

We work out mostly for the physical benefits, but what about the mental boost? Outdoor exercise is associated with increased energy and revitalization, as well as decreased confusion, anger, depression and tension, when compared with exercising indoors. I find it so nice to take in smells, views and new surroundings that time goes by faster and I workout harder. This is always a good thing!

It may make you feel better about yourself.

When you’re at the gym, it can sometimes feel like all eyes are on you. When you’re exercising in nature, the local wildlife doesn’t care about your struggle. Exercise in general is good for your confidence, but outdoor exercise may be even better: There is evidence from the University of Essex that working out in nature can improve your self-esteem. Further, you don’t have to go all out; the researchers found low-intensity exercise had the biggest positive effects.

So soak up some sun while you exercise!

This cute outfit (shorts and bra top) can be found online at Victoria's Secret Sport and under $100. Shoes are Nike White High tops $79.

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